6-29-11: Naples (Napoli), Italy
In Naples, there was a little debate about what we were going to do. One idea was to go to Pompeii and Sorrento and we were about to agree to a price with a taxi driver when another taxi driver we had been talking to earlier about a similar idea came over and got really angry at us and started yelling at the taxi driver we were talking to in Italian and it looked like they were about to get into a fist fight. Needless to say, we abandoned that option and went with a different taxi driver on a panoramic drive of the coast and then he dropped us off at the Archaeological Museum. The drive was a little bit crazy, to say the least, but beautiful nonetheless. We saw some breathtaking views and thankfully didn't fall of the side of the cliff. Our taxi driver drove down some pretty narrow streets and my favorite was the tiny street vendor area he drove down where there were basically people standing against both sides of the car.
The Archaeological Museum was very nice and held ruins from Pompeii, so we still got to see a glimpse of it. I believe a lot of the ruins were reconstructions, but I'm not completely sure. Most of these statues had their heads on, which is refreshing, as many of the ruins you see are headless statues.
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